Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Story Part One

This is a true story. The names of the individuals involved have been changed to protect their identity. There is not an interesting reason for this measure, I just think it is kind of cool. This story is one of brave reckless abandon, daring thrill seeking, quick thinking and excitement. 

My brother Gerald and I were enjoying a pleasant summer. We had discovered the edgy  thrills of the new white water park that had been built on the Smunnison river. This park was built for the benefit of white water kayakers. The otherwise mild river had been sculpted with concrete and rock into two nice holes. The water made a wave that kayakers would surf. The upper was smaller, the lower was bigger, and both were deep. I kayaked them a little, but the real fun started when we saw some kids taking running leaps in to the middle of the rapid. A half a second or so later the kid’s head would bob up. 

The first jump was pretty scary. The water was really moving and it was cold. Once we were in, we were hooked. After plunging deeper than expected the current would grab us and sweep us down stream. For me, jumping into water when my head is submerged and my feet don’t touch creates an intense feeling of being in the depths. It makes me feel small. It can be a thrill to be suddenly aware of one’s limits. Generally speaking after a period of exposure this excitement wears off and confidence replaces it. 

This was our situation. We, Gerald and I, were caught day dreaming. I should really describe it as some thing more along the lines of scheming. We wanted to get to the bottom of the approximately fourteen foot deep water. A large stone would pull us down. We would be wearing goggles and nose plugs. Yes, we were planning to be “safe” by wearing a life jacket so that we would be whisked away to the surface once we let go of the stone.

I never did it. I didn’t muster up my courage to embark as an explorer, a pioneer into the new territory, the unknown that was buried deep at the bottom of the lower hole.

I sometimes look back with curiosity at how my life might be different to this day had I gone for it. 

I didn’t wimp out. Gerald, my own brother went without me. He took his friend Melvin.

to be continued...

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