Tuesday, March 1, 2011


There is a thing that I have begun to tell myself, whenever I remember. When I am tempted to covet or long for something in a deep "If I only had this..." kind of a way, I think about what I already have. I say, "Is all that not enough, are you so selfish and greedy that you want those shoes or that guitar, or that look, too." I am not talking about desire in a casual way. I am talking about desire in a lustful way.
that is all
for now

Friday, February 4, 2011

I'm addicted?

I have started a special diet that includes the tire- screeching, whiplash-inducing halt of sugar consumption. This includes fruit, honey and the like.
It is interesting how sweet other foods seem to become when I am not eating sugar. For example carrots, onions, and almonds seem much sweeter now.

well I would have never imagined that I would crave sweet things so much. It is unbelievable. I have never tried to kick a habit, before. At least nothing that I can think of that make me have such strong cravings.

but I seem to have more energy.


Friday, January 7, 2011


I have been very tired lately and I haven't written much.

I was at a birthday dinner last night. It was at a restaurant. We were all sitting at a long table when we heard the rhythmic clapping. Most everyone seated at our table started clapping too. The one with the birthday got excited. As the clapping approached it suddenly turned it was someone else's birthday too.

Then most of the wait-staff got in a line and did a really awkward line dance.
The end.