Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This is a letter to myself.
Dear Braden-boo
Remember that you are bankrupt. What I mean by that is that all that you have comes from God. So don’t get all weird like you don’t want to fully submit in your heart, to God, thinking that you are going to loose what you have. Look God alone gives contentment, happiness, peace and joy. So if you don’t submit who knows what kind of perversion of God’s gift you’ll create by clinging to what was good, but was good only for a time. Let go, have some faith, go where He takes you, to that amazing place, chill relax, chillax. Free your mind and the rest will follow, be color blind don’t be so shallow, oh wait that’s en vogue.
Bye b

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Some thoughts

I am writting today. I have been drawing these cartoons, some I have posted. I have been wondering how a person can live counter cultural with consistancy.
Well, two days ago I, with my wife and some close friends, went to some sand dunes on lake Michigan. The trail we walked brought us into an environment of steep sand and unusual plants. It lead us to the coast where the water was cold and blue. The steep dunes plunged into the water and at one point in history land fell into the lake. Wow.
Well, I enjoyed this experience. It captured the senses. It alienated the normal that is usually concrete, asphalt, and tar. I am very thankful for this.
this is all I am writing now
thank you
braden j m l c w

retro issue 6 part two

What if there was a Mcdonalds on the moon, would you go to it? I would. So I'm hanging out in Millennium Park. The sky is hazy, cars are zooming on Michigan Ave. I'm wearing blue, white and grey. The gentleman sitting next to me is reading a newspaper and wearing a baseball cap. There are a lot of mothers with their children and cameras. That is what it looks like at least. I did not ask them. A slight breeze rustles the flag that has four stars in between two horizontal blue stripes on a white ground. A security guard drives a Segway Human Transporter, gliding as if a ghost wearing a yellow vest. Here comes a large group, maybe a field trip, of children. A girl just said to a boy, "... it's not coffee, it's capuccino!" The wind is chilly now. I should have brought a shirt, but yesterday was hot.
I love you

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

i hope that you aren't getting tired of retro issues

Williams roller retro issue #6 origional issue date 4/20/05

I love you, friends and miss you
My friend made me a card with an airplane on it. I like it. I'm so amazed at the city, (I'm in Chicago) people everywhere, all with little acknowledgement of each other's existance. But then I was at a skate park and when someone did a cool move the people, as if part of a community, celebrated this achievement. The buildings shoot right up out of the ground. A ten story building is not very large compared to a couple hundred story building. Obviously I come from a small town. At my brother's college they have foaming soap that smells really nice and since it foams you don't have to work up a lather. Well, in all honesty, I feel like a freshman again. I'm meeting hordes of people and I can't, for the life of me, remember their names. It is really humid here. The are is so thick, that I would get tired from walking around except that since the air is so thick there is actually something to breath. I saw an exhibit of real human bodies that have been preserved with the use of space-aged polymers. You know when They, and by They I mean anti-drug people, try to discourage smoking by comparing two pictures of lungs. When you see the black lung in person, it is a lot more effective. And I had always thought that the inside of a heart was smooth but it is not. It is kind of stringy. Can you imagine if our skin was clear like the skin of some creatures? And what if we could see each other's insides? Would that make people more conscientious in regards to the fragility of life? I imagine that we would just be used to seeing guts and there would be no difference in our behavior. Maybe change really comes from the "heart" not the circomstances. What if when people talked, physical objects came out of our mouths and were absorbed into the recipient? And negatively intended words were hard and sharp and actually cut people. Then would we be more careful about what we said? And what if every thought came into existance, only in a different dimension? What would that be like?

Friday, August 15, 2008


So Hi,
yeah i was watching this show and the person on it, it was a non- scripted show, ate something tasty. this fella held up three fingers on both sides of his mouth making a wow sign. one hand was a W the mouth was the O and the other hand was the other W. i was shocked really.
well my wife has a blog it is great you should check it out.
well her first post is called the alpha post and i like that.

well i thought that i would have tons more to say but i don't

yours truly
b. j. macintosh williams

Retro Issue 5, part 2

There is an event that happens in the lives of millions upon millions of people a day. This event, although small, can at times, prove to be utterly annoying or even embarrassing. In the past, I have lived with a near a constant awareness of the possible existence of this happening. Hey Seth, I think I’ll finally go into print making. I’d be really good and fast. File, Print, Enter, Done, Yes. The Event: One fateful chilly morning the sun was creeping behind the only cloud in the sky, clearly foreshadowing what was to come. I had just successfully ascended the stairs at the west side of Kelly (a building). Slightly winded, I sorted through the various tasks ahead of me. Suddenly a bird crowed, squirrels ran, a leaf overturned and what caught my eye was a wave, accompanied by a smiling sincere face. My eyes brightened and my brain questioned. The line of sigh was directed past me. After pinpointing the true, intended recipient of this gesture, I jerked my hand down and pretended. Pretended. I was on a beach somewhere. No clouds, no crows, no squirrels. The only waves I know about are the wet kind. Ah….

Hey so, I want to encourage people to seek and search: talk and think about worldviews and perspectives. My friend was telling me about people who help out orphaned children in other countries. At the time I was drinking Italian coffee out of a blue and yellow cup. I had paper out sitting next to my water bottle. My friend had a number of computer print-outs that told about the people. It was exciting to hear about it and my Italian coffee became tertiary to the zoomed-out view. It’d be nice to balance the view: rejoicing of the small, while being mindful of the non-small. I’m not sure exactly how it looks yet.

Retro Issue 5, part 1

This was first released in April, 2005

So I’m trying to think of things to write about and well, not too much is coming except I was thinking about starting a gang. I can’t think of a name yet, maybe the Healthy’s or something. For the initiation we’d have to help the elderly cross the street or rescue a cat from a tree. Then, instead of a drive by shooting we’d do drive by complimenting. I think I read a Bernstein Bears book about, well, it might have been a different book, but it was about kids that went around and fixed stuff and cleaned without people knowing who did it. I remember it was a radio show. I don’t know what the gang sign would be. Instead of knives and guns, and chains, we’d carry t-shirt launchers and other things to distribute presents of the joyous kind.

Well it is officially summer as far as I am concerned, but I kind of miss winter. The frigid temperatures, the swirling winds, the deep snow, and I enjoy having purple hands. I always try to long for the opposite of what I have. That way I can complain more. Never mind, that is just crazy talk.
When I was little and I got mad at my brother, I would show my bottom teeth and say, “Meany, weenie big fat bikini.”

Monday, August 4, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008


So I hope that you like these comics because I have a few more


Big B