Friday, August 15, 2008

Retro Issue 5, part 2

There is an event that happens in the lives of millions upon millions of people a day. This event, although small, can at times, prove to be utterly annoying or even embarrassing. In the past, I have lived with a near a constant awareness of the possible existence of this happening. Hey Seth, I think I’ll finally go into print making. I’d be really good and fast. File, Print, Enter, Done, Yes. The Event: One fateful chilly morning the sun was creeping behind the only cloud in the sky, clearly foreshadowing what was to come. I had just successfully ascended the stairs at the west side of Kelly (a building). Slightly winded, I sorted through the various tasks ahead of me. Suddenly a bird crowed, squirrels ran, a leaf overturned and what caught my eye was a wave, accompanied by a smiling sincere face. My eyes brightened and my brain questioned. The line of sigh was directed past me. After pinpointing the true, intended recipient of this gesture, I jerked my hand down and pretended. Pretended. I was on a beach somewhere. No clouds, no crows, no squirrels. The only waves I know about are the wet kind. Ah….

Hey so, I want to encourage people to seek and search: talk and think about worldviews and perspectives. My friend was telling me about people who help out orphaned children in other countries. At the time I was drinking Italian coffee out of a blue and yellow cup. I had paper out sitting next to my water bottle. My friend had a number of computer print-outs that told about the people. It was exciting to hear about it and my Italian coffee became tertiary to the zoomed-out view. It’d be nice to balance the view: rejoicing of the small, while being mindful of the non-small. I’m not sure exactly how it looks yet.

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