Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Drink

I was thinking more about the metaphor of the Lord is my shepherd. I really like the idea that God leads me to places where the water is quiet. I know that some people are really talented in business and succeed well in a capitalist system. But sometimes I feel like a sheep who doesn’t even know were to go to get a drink.

I imagine that a sheep that is out in the field might think that the food is good and it would eat gladly. At some point the sheep would find a dryer patch of grass and start to get thirsty. I can totally see the sheep starting to get worried because its thirst is growing. It might raise its head and ask its neighbor, “Are you thirsty, because I am?” The neighbor might reply, “A little.” The first sheep would start to get nervous and the next thing it would know the flock would be moving. It might start to freak out thinking, “Where is everyone going? I need to get to some water.” A little later it would find itself next to a calm stream drinking. Chill out Bway, Bway, a cool drink is coming.

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