Friday, January 16, 2009


I am going to write some personal thoughts that shouldn't be minded. I haven't posted in a while and wanted to.

I was trying to figure out how to get to this place where I am right now, typing a post. I didn't realize it was found by clicking dashboard. I clicked next blog and I found a blog of an artist.
I sometimes claim that title. Sometimes it seems that most art I come across is awful, mine included. I have wanted to make art because I have had valuable experiences with some examples of it, but I don't want to add to the junk. I guess that it is a process, I just have to keep at it. Sometimes I think what I make is good but it doesn't seem to be making any waves.

It is fairly cold here right now and I like it.
I am really getting into slacklining. It is almost mysterious or mystical. All it is, is walking on a line but it seems more some how. It seems like careful cooperation with gravity (I would say a dance but that metaphor seems have become trite). Maybe it is the slim, bouncy quality of the line that gives a sense of non-physical activity. Maybe it is the sense of accomplishment, the overcoming of a difficult task. Maybe it reminds me of the hippie mountain folk of my younger years.

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