Monday, March 1, 2010


I went back to my roots just now, that is I looked at old blog posts. I found that I have diverted from my original pattern of writing. I used to write them more as, my title indicates, a news letter. I also wrote in a more train of thought, sarcastic way. You know I used to have a teacher that said the word pattern like, patter-en. It was a little interesting. Also she used to say calvary instead of cavalry.

So anyway, let me give some news of what has gone on in my life. I had a hang nail last week. JK, although I really said TTYL to one of my roommates when he was leaving and it was like I was asserting myself as competent in this age of cellular telephone devices. I was saying to him, since he is quite a few years my junior, “Yo D-diddy dawg, I’m not too old yet. I am teeming, (Oh, teeming sounds too intelligent,) Uh, I am full of cool. I can reduce words to their first letters. I can keep up with the pace of technology. I am a man. I have an arm that can reach out in love for the latest Apple product. I have legs that can be shorn with the latest trend that is fed to me by people that care almost nothing about me except that they want my money.”

Yes, I can say all of that in only four letters. Although not really because what I wrote kind of makes me sound like I think that all kids care about is the latest trends and whatnot.

So I wrote the title of this post as remembrance. I was thinking back on the childhood that I participated in and I remember an oak alter in my parents church that said, “Do this in remembrance of me” on it. I wonder how much they paid for that thing. They sure are getting use out of it. I am sure it is still in the same place now.

Well, I’ve got to go. Change your clothes, but don’t change your attitude, (unless you have a bad one).


Mr. Sir Braden Joshua MacIntosh Lorenzo Caravaggio Williams Junior, the Battosai (just K I have never used a sword)

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hey Braden,

Good writing!

Love Mom