Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sabbath Revisited (Time)

Sabbath Revisited (Time)

Waltke quotes Heschel, who says, “But time is the heart of existence.” And later “It is a triumph frequently achieved by sacrificing and essential ingredient of existence, namely, time.”

Is time the heart of existence? I have often seen myself as fighting against time or waiting for time to do it’s thing (pass by). When thinking of time, I have a difficulty understanding it. What is it? It’s measurable. Is it a substance? I can’t conceive of a world without time. Perhaps that is what is meant by time is the heart of existence.

I have personally thought of time as being the change of physical things or as Heschel puts it, space. Without consistent change, such as day/ night, rivers, waves, would people have developed a time sense. If I think of a spot in outer space where no matter exists, I guess that there is still time there because of the changes in energy passing through that space. It seems that time is bound to the existence of space. So I, being a form in space, have time bound to me as much as I am bound to time. So it does seem that time is an essential ingredient to existence. Yet I, or other space that excludes me, am an essential ingredient of time.

So what did you think of my immature musings on time? Am I crazy, boring, or a genius who just doesn’t know it? Do I need better organization skills, or better grammar? Is this not your topic of choice? What would be?

Write me a comment. Thanks for reading.


The Kemp said...

My boss and I were talking about this the other day. Technically, time doesn't exist. It is merely a human measurement of the universe going from one state to another. Wacky to think about...

A&J said...

i dont even know. what about how gravity bends space time? and also how time passes differently depending on how fast it is going. isnt it that time slows down for an object as it approaches the speed of light? but it is only measured as compared to a stationary object. its so nuts to me, (after being reminded of these things online), how the speed of light is constant no matter any objects speed, so therefore the space, mass, and time are variable. so...maybe this doesnt have much to do with what youa re talking about.but time is just a crazy thing.

Braden said...

Thanks for your comments.