Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bowling No. 1

Here is some news... (it is a little old)
I went bowling recently, but I bowled a 54ish. Some people like the way the ball fits nicely in the gutter. Feeling I should be a better American by wanting to be the best, you know win, I made use of a certain lucky hair clip, by clipping it to the bottom of my shirt. I think my competitors were wearing counter-lucky hair clips. Ain’t no thing.
When I lived in New York I encountered a pious woman who could not conceive of a Christian using the word, you know, the “L” word. So we came up with the term berries as a substitute. I feel so berries to be writing to you today.

There is a cat sitting here by my feet, he wants to go outside and it is snowing, which I think that we should say no-ing because I know of a lot of people are getting tired of the snow and when they talk about it they can say, “It’s no no no-ing again.” And I can say, “ Psh! I’m knowing.” Okay that was kind of dumb.

I like the snow, all of those wet socks, wet pants, yellow-ishness. I don’t know what is worse snow on the road or SOLID ICE. We were stuck on the road, well half on the road. I call me a man of steel, sheer muscle, bulked out to the L. I. M. I. T. with extra chiseled mass hanging out in my back pocket. I pushed, literally pushed, “me push car sideways” back onto the skating rink called conservation ave. my arms are gynormous. I tried pushing it later on our snowy drive, I think that I forgot my mega muscle drink that day.

On a lighter note, us working folk get hit hard with rising gas prices, visiting relatives is harder to do, running from the police, it takes a lot of gas to go 80, 90 mph. Me, I’ve started peeing in the gas tank.
Sincerely Yours braden joshua macIntosh Williams


Braden said...

Hey braden this is cool

Stac said...

hey braden
this IS cool
i like seeing a "snapshot of your mind"