Tuesday, June 24, 2008

retro news letter issue 3

Hi friends
These are origional Williams Rollers from the year 2001.
I hope you enjoy them.

Once upon a time I was walking with my friend and acting like a Doomer-Gloomer. Of all the many wonderful things that I’ve been given that I could have been rejoicing about, I was letting one little thing bring me down. Just then (and by “just then” I mean with in 10 or 15 minutes) my clever and thoughtful friend said most eloquently, “Life is a lot easier if you hold your head up and smile at people.” And how did I respond to this delectable conversation- prompting statement? How did I respond? Yep, with some dweebish comment about how, “really it is easier to walk with your head down but it’s probably better to look up.” Whoosh, that’s a missed hit. But, hey I’m getting better and better and I’m thankful. So next time I’m being a Negative- Nelly help a fellow out will you? A well- guided projectile often works nicely. Can you believe the weather? I was at Wal-Mart, it’s kind of my second home, (not really) and I found an odd connection between Wal-Mart and the weather lately. It’s a bit far-fetched and dorky. The weather lately is comparable to the ideal consumer. The consumer says, “I want the blue one, no the red one, no I want both.” And the weather says, “I want summer, no winter, no both.” Never mind. When I was a kid I saw this cartoon. It was Duck Tales. I can’t remember what the rich uncle’s name was. There was this one episode where he had a room half full of gold coins with a diving board above it. Was his name Scrooge McDuck? Anyway he jumped off of the diving board and landed in the coins and swam around. There is no way that you could really do that. It would be cool if you could though. I once thought that cell phones were the plaque of society but now I think that it is the digital camera. This is why I think so: My brother recently had a baby boy. Don’t get me wrong, I think the little guy is great, with his tiny hands and feet, his little grin and so on and so forth. But my brother sent my parents a CD of pictures, taken digitally, of my nephew. THERE WERE FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHT PICTURES. While flipping through them I slowly went from excitement, to happiness, to tiredness, to boredom, to sadness, to fear, to nausea. There were so many pictures. Wow… four hundred and eight. I’ll probably do the same if I ever have a kid. Do you remember when people used to say “not” after everything, like, “You’re cool, not”? Well thanks again. I hope you do well. Please strive to do great. In the words of Levar Burton, “I’ll see you next time.”
love braden williams

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