Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A little more

so I was able to solidify a little more of what I learned that day when the woman spoke to me. I said that I think that Jesus might have been peaceful when he was being accused. (please reference the post a couple down) 
What I realized is that when a time of worry, anxiety or other comes I look at the four elements of my situation. One is the subject, ie Jesus, one is the object, ie the accusers, another is the context ie the situation, another is God. 
I was painting. 
I felt discouragement 
I wasn't having fun 
I was considering that maybe I should stop landscape painting

The truths were
Subject: I have done painting a lot, should one painting upset me? I am secure; my peace, joy or happiness, self-worth or value does not at all depend on this painting. 
Object: This was one, small painting, not a big deadline or something.
Context: I have had many times that I really enjoyed my landscape painting, I can't expect to have fun with every painting, all of the time. If I think, I can remember other times that I struggled in the middle of a painting and really loved the end. "Braden, compare this to working at the factory and then see if you are still complaining"
God: God directed me to art school, provided for me when I was there, even used the occasion to bring Stacy and me together, I am not doing art and painting for no reason. God gave me these talents and when I do me best to honor him with them, ( I think) that he will honor that.

that's what I do
thank for reading 
try this out sometime
B. Joshua M. Williams

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