Sunday, April 19, 2009

Down South

I have been found staring, neck bent to glimpse the odd, disfigured, idealized figure of Christ suffering on the cross. My young mind, proud with my perspective that Jesus didn't stay on the cross. He rose from the dead. "Why do they leave him on there?" I thought. I probably looked around to see the other characteristic that I was unused to in an environment such as this, that is in a Roman Catholic church. 
I am not intending to leave a judgement, but rather an observation. I have as of late come to an understanding of a possible purpose for an icon of a suffering Christ. I have been reading about suffering Christians in El Salvador. I see now that a person, even myself, could feel helped to an unknown degree, in an unknown way, by the reminder that Christ suffered too, that Jesus suffered for me. Perhaps this would come in a visual form. If an entire people were poor, oppressed and suffering, perhaps this visual aid would be found in the common area of a church. 

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