Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I looked at the number of blogs that I had posted in a month and my record is 14. It is very hard to write more than that. I would have to write one a day or more.
Okay, My eyes were temporarily entranced by a cool show on NOVA. It is about ice flow and glacier movement. Large ice chunks have been seeking independence more and more lately. A man used time laps photography to capture a chunk of ice wider than the isle of Manhattan that had calved off of the main glacier. The ice that surfaced from deep in the glacier was a mystical blue. The air had been pressed out of it, thus it became blue. Dude, it reminds me of what it might look like to see something similar to the visions described in prophetic books of the Bible, visions that described things made of precious stones.  The blue ice looks like a two ton emerald, but even more beautiful in my opinion. 

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