Tuesday, March 31, 2009

number 14

okay I really enjoy  the band anathallo they have such a fresh sound. To me listening to their music is like running through life. It is like catching glimses of this and that, like being bombarded with smells, like having all senses on and bordering overstimulation. 

But as the movement of the song progresses (the metaphor I want to make is to compare it to running again) there are times when the runner gets winded and slows, only to soak in the sweet melody. The ebb and flow of the songs put into audio form dandilion seeds being caught in a mild breese. In my minds eye, I see the stretching, silky fibers atop the stem of the seed. They flex with the upward presure of the air. In an instant the seed leaps it is afloat. The seed rises, pauses, and falls, only to be caught up again. Okay I do believe that I have made a very nerdy review. But whatever.

love b


A&J said...

have you been listening to the new album i gave you?

Braden said...

Yeah I like it a lot