Monday, October 19, 2009

The stories of my scars.

Do, do, do, la, la, la, la, do, do. As the world has spun on its slant axis, many odd objects have found themselves in violent encounter with my largest organ, these are The Stories of My Scars.

I remember a kid who had a shirt that said "scars are the tattoos of the brave." I always thought that this was strange and corny. Maybe it made its way into my unconscious and that is why I am writing about tattoos in my scar stories.

I have one last “tattoo.” At some point I learned that the process of getting a tattoo was to make a hole in the skin and deposit ink. This so very simply concept awakened the do-it-yourselfer in me. I proceeded to take a knife to my arm. Naturally it was my left arm. I am right handed. I deposited ink. It left a small mark.

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